BOOTS OF SWIFTNESSYou find a pair of dusty boots made of a strange material. As you put them on, eveything around you seems to blur and slow down. While wearing the Boots of Swiftness your Warrior may add +1 to his Movement.PERMANENT
Me aventuro a poner alguna mas; asi si tienes tiempo pues traduces las que puedas.CHALICE OF FATEThe chalice of Fate has the power to warp time, to change fate, and to alter reality.The Chalice allows you to re-roll when determining the Wizard´s Power during the Power Phase.You may only re-roll once, and you must accept the second roll even if the score is worse.USE ONCE PER ADVENTURE
DARTING STEEL DAGGERSYou find two daggers of purest steel, forged in the time of the High Elves. Ancient sigils bind powerful spells of destruction to their blades.While using the Karting Steel Daggers your Warrior gets +1 Attacks and you do not have to roll to see if he hits his opponent; each attack made with the daggers automatically hits.However, each hit Hill only do 1D6 Wounds, with no modifier for Strength.PERMANENT
Gracias compañeros; toda ayuda es de agradecer.Quisiera ante todo que se guardara una traduccion similar en todas las cartas.Muchas gracias y seguimos:DEATHSTONEThe Deathstone is a small black crystal that semms to soak up the light from the lantern, converting it into raw power.The Deathstone acts as a source of Power for the Wizard. When casting a spell, he may use the Deathstone to increase his chance of succes. Roll 1D6. On a 3 to 6, the spell may be cast at a cost of zero Power instead of its normal cost. On a 1 or 2, the spell falls and all the Wizard´s Power for the turn is lost.USE ONCE PER ADVENTURE
DRAGON SHIELDThis shield is fashioned from the deep-red, sulphurous scales of a Great Fire Dragon.While wearing the Dragon Shield you Warrior is invulnerable to any one attack, whatever its origin.USE ONCE PER ADVENTURE
ENCHANTED SHIELDThe surface of this shield gleams as brightly as a mirror. Clouds roll across its surface, and shards of light cut the air around it as you move.Each time you Warrior is hit he may use this shield to try and absorb the blow. Roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6, the shield absorbs all the damage. On a 1, the shield explodes and your Warrior takes 1D6 Wounds, wit no modifiers for Toughness or armour.LASTS UNTIL DESTROYED
Tanquilo que le tengo un ojo puesto al hilo. Si veo algo raro lo edito y aviso. Para las traducciones, mejor usar "aventurero" por "Warrior".
PD: He dejado el archivo subiéndose, según pone en la página, en 45 minutos debería haber sido añadido al host.
Tambien agradecer enormemente el interes que has puesto sicuatro y a Arturo ENSORCELLED BLADEYou find a blade of pure iron, tempered to the sound of arcane incantations in ages past. This weapon´s magic guides your hand, making it easier to strike your foes.While using the Ensorcelled Blade, you may add +1 to your Warrior´s to hit rolls.PERMANENT
De las cartas de tesoro en español, muchísima parte de trabajo lo hizo Hengstrand(Gracias otra vez!), que fué quien nos pasó la primera carta hecha. Nosotros sólo sacamos la imagen de las 29 restantes y escribimos el texto(que por suerte estaba la mayoría traducido en español en la tabla de tesoros, faltaban algunos datos y la duración).